Workshop : [23-27]-Nov-2020
A virtual workshop on Supercomputing for Paramshati Users was jointly organized by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Pune and IIT Kharagpur from 23-27 November 2020. To view the agenda for the workshop download the pdf.
Day 1-2 : Introduction to SLURM , slurm Batch script and Job Submission procedure . Sample batch scripts for Serial Job, Parallel Job, Hybrid Job (MPI+ OpenMP) and details about the different Flags of the each script. Slides available for Paramshakti Overview|Slurm|Job Submission|Day-1-2 Video Link.
Day-3 : Shared Memory Parallelism with OpenMP.Distributed Memory Parallelism with MPI (Point to Point Communication).Distributed Memory Parallelism with MPI (collective Communication).Slides available for OpenMP|MPI Point to point|MPI Collective| Parallel Matrix Multiplication|Day-3 Video Link.Sample scripts available at "/home/apps/reference/training".
Day-4 : Intel tools and code Optimization.Intel AI Portfolio and Python Demonstration. Slides available for Intel Threading Advisor|Intel Vectorization Advisor|Intel VTune Amplifier| OpenVino|Intel DAAL|Vectorization for Intel|Day-4 Video Link.
Day-5 : Nvidia (CUDA and OpenACC). Slides available for GPU computing|Mixed Precision and Tensorrt|AI HPC| Accelerated data Science|OpenACC|Day-5 Video Link.
Workshop : 09-Dec-2022
A virtual workshop on HPC Software was jointly organized by C-DAC Bengaluru and IIT Kharagpur on 09-Dec-2020. To view the agenda for the workshop download the pdf| Video Link
Slides available for CAPC-AutoPar-IITKGP|Cdac HPC Profiler-v0.9|HPC-Dashboard-v5.0| ParaDE-IDEforHPC-IITKGP|Parallel-Computing-NSM Meet-IITKGP| Programming with OpenMP|PU-Architecture-IIT-kgp|Sumeghacloudlabkit-IIT-KGP|Suparikshan-MonitoringManagement-IITKGP
Workshop : [30Jan-03Feb]-2023
C-DAC Bangalore is organizing a one week training - "THINK PARALLEL: Parallel Programming for Engineers & Scientists” from 30th January to 3rd February 2023 @ C-DAC Knowledge Park, Bengaluru. To view the agenda for the workshop download the pdf.